The League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Board of Trustees 每年评估损失预测,以确保保险费率能够充分应对未来的索赔. 如果估计和成员的损失好于预期, the additional savings can be returned to members (了解有关2023年返还股息的更多信息)或加入信托基金结余,以其他方式为会员省钱, such as the Trust retaining more risk.

以下是在11月11日或之后续保的财产/意外保险的保险费率信息. 以及在1月15日或之后续保的工人赔偿保险. 1, 2024.

财产/casualty rates

What does property/casualty coverage include?

覆盖范围是专门为明尼苏达州城市和相关实体(如住房和再开发当局)量身定制的, joint powers organizations, and other special districts and instrumentalities. 它比商业保险范围更广,包括财产损失保险, 债券, comprehensive municipal liability, 汽车, cyber-related claims, liquor liability, and much more.


How does the Trust set rates?


  • 根据精算师计算得出的本年度预计索赔费用.
  • 应急保证金,以保护信托及其成员免受损失高于预期的可能性.
  • Projected administrative expenses.

What are property/casualty rates for 2024?

Rates will decrease by an average of 0.75%. 以下列表包括按覆盖区域划分的具体费率变化.

  • Liability rates will decrease by an average of 6%. That consists of:
    • A 10% decrease in employment liability rates.
    • A 15% decrease in sewer backup liability rates.
    • 城市年支出基准利率下降11%.
    • No rate changes for police liability, land use litigation, 或特殊目的实体按年度支出计算的费率.
  • 汽车 physical damage rates will increase 10%.
  • 汽车 liability rates will increase 5%.
  • 超额责任(可选保险)费率将提高3%.
  • No rate changes for property or other coverages.

What about other variables?

保费也会受到会员支出变化等因素的影响, property values, 工资, experience ratings, and others. 有关会员专用费率的问题,请与信托公司的承销人员联系.

Connect with underwriters (choose “Underwriting” under “Department”).

Why are rates changing?

信托基金与精算师合作,帮助预测未来的索赔成本, which in turn drives premium rates. 以下是财产/意外保险项目的情况:

  • There will be no rate change for property coverage, including mobile property, because projected loss costs are stable.
  • 负债率的不同下降将更好地使预计的负债溢价与实际损失成本保持一致.
  • 由于损失模式的增加和, like the private market, inflationary pressure.
  • 超额负债的费率增加了3%,这是由于信托公司的再保险公司对该保险范围的费率增加了.

Members can view their losses in the LMCIT Member Center. 联系 Senior Business Analyst Lena Gould at 或(651)281-1245,以了解更多有关信托成员的整体损失模式.

Workers’ compensation rates

What is workers’ compensation coverage?


How does the Trust set rates?


  • 根据精算师计算得出的本年度预计索赔费用.
  • 应急保证金,以保护信托及其成员免受损失高于预期的可能性.
  • Projected administrative expenses for the program.

What are the rate changes for 2024?

Rates will decrease by an average of 15%.

What about other variables?

保费也会受到会员支出变化等因素的影响, 非农就业人数, experience rating, and other exposure measures. 会员和代理人可以联系他们的保险商了解会员的具体信息.


Connect with underwriters (choose “Underwriting” under “Department”).

Why are rates changing?

费率下降15%的主要原因是,在2022年和2023年,会员索赔经验的发展是有利的, 信托收到的新索赔和6月30日之前发生的索赔的案件准备金, 2022.

近年来,信托基金与成员就创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)对公共安全的索赔对信托基金工人赔偿计划的影响进行了沟通. Premium rate increases have been necessary because these claims became a significant portion of the Trust’s costs claim patterns; however, 创伤后应激障碍和非创伤后应激障碍的索赔都改变了未来索赔预测的进程, at least for 2024.

Whether and how PTSD, other types of claims, 或者立法的变化会影响工人的赔偿率在未来是不可能确切知道的. 在管理风险和了解未来索赔的成本方面,存在固有的不可预测性. 信托基金通过数据分析和精算预测来评估索赔模式,以尽可能负责任地设定保险费率. The Trust also has programs, 服务, 工作人员可以帮助会员控制所有类型的索赔-从背部受伤到土地使用以及两者之间的一切.

了解更多关于新的公共安全义务残疾法 旨在控制公共安全人员因精神伤害而离职的人数.

Learn more about the Trust’s loss control programs.

Members can view their losses in the LMCIT Member Center. 联系 Senior Business Analyst Lena Gould at 或(651)281-1245,以了解更多有关信托成员的整体损失模式.

Are there any other changes we should be aware of?

Nonsmoker credit: 消防员和警察的工人补偿率有折扣,如果成员可以声称他们部门90%的人都不吸烟. 费率抵免将从10%降至5%,因为最近的一项评估显示,“无烟”部门的员工的索赔经验比“吸烟”部门的员工更差. 因此,禁烟优惠将从明年1月1日起逐步取消. 1, 2025.

Experience rating: A few minor, 为了与修订后的行业标准保持一致,2024年信托基金的经验评级公式将进行主要的技术变革.

Learn more about experience rating or contact Underwriting Manager Liam Biever at or (651) 281-1212 to learn more about the specifics.